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Porridge di cereali e mirtilli

Per: 2-4 persone


  • 1 confezione di riso Slender
  • 1 manciata abbondante di scaglie di farro
  • 1 manciata abbondante di scaglie di orzo
  • 1 piccola manciata di quinoa
  • 1 piccola manciata di semi di lino marroni
  • 250 ml di latte di mandorla
  • 1 spolverata di uva sultanina
  • 2 cucchiai di sciroppo d’acero, extra per servire
  • 1/2 vaschetta di mirtilli freschi
  • Scaglie di mandorle tostate, per servire


  1. Prepare the Slendier rice following the instructions on the package. Drain and cut into large pieces. To put aside.
  2. In a non-stick saucepan, add the spelled, barley, quinoa, flax seeds, 125 ml of water, almond milk, sultanas and maple syrup and cook over medium heat. Stir frequently until the liquid has absorbed and the grains have softened, about 8-10 minutes. Add water and almond milk if necessary.
  3. Once all the liquid has been absorbed and the mixture is cooked, add the chopped rice and mix.
  4. Serve the hot porridge in the bowls. Garnish with fresh blueberries and flaked almonds. Decorate with a drizzle of maple syrup.