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The weight loss wonder fibre: glucomannan


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Beating the battle of the bulge with exercise and diet is hard to achieve when you are constantly hungry.

The stomach is very good at telling the brain when it’s full.

But our body can work against us when we are trying to lose weight because it’s programmed to tell us to keep eating.

While there’s a plethora of potions and pills claiming to help curb cravings, the secret to satiating hunger is boosting fibre intake, making you feel fuller for longer.

Glucomannan is a natural fibre extracted from the root of the Konjac plant, a wonder food used for centuries throughout South-East Asia for culinary and medicinal purposes.

Here’s some facts about glucomannan:

  • The fibre is water-soluble with an extraordinary ability to absorb liquid. Just one teaspoon of glucommonnan can turn almost an entire glass of water into a thick gel. When it’s inside your stomach, it absorbs water and expands, leaving you feeling fuller for longer.
  • It helps slow the emptying process in our stomach, helping you feel satisfied and reducing overall calorie consumption.
  • Like all water-soluble dietary fibres, glucomannan reduces the absorption of fat.
  • It’s also great at lowering cholesterol and stabilising blood glucose levels.

What the science says

Scientists have tested whether the natural dietary fibre can help people lose weight.

In a randomised-control trial (the gold standard for medical research), 20 obese people were given either a capsule of glucomannan, or a placebo tablet to take with water before mealtimes.

After eight weeks, the participants taking the glucomannan lost significantly more weight.

On average they shed 2.5kg compared with those who were taking the fake tablet. Their total cholesterol levels were also reduced and there were no adverse reactions to the glucomannan.

Read the peer-reviewed scientific evidence: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6096282

A series of scientific studies into the effect of glucomannan on body weight and blood pressure also found it has beneficial effects on total cholesterol levels and body weight.

Read the research here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18842808

How to get glucomannan into your diet

Slendier uses glucomannan in all of its Konjac and Shirataki noodles because of its incredible health benefits and low-calorie count.

More than 99% of Slendier products are made up of Konjac flour (which is what glucomannan is derived from) and water.

Unlike other alternatives to traditional wheat pasta, our noodles and pasta still have a hearty texture, but, incredibly, they have roughly the same calories as a glass of water.

Konjac and Shirataki noodles and pasta are flavourless, making them the perfect foundation for most toppings.

Not only will the products provide a ‘fiesta of fibre’ to the delight of dieters, they allow family favourites like pasta and pad Thai to remain on the menu.

Please remember we only provide general dietary guidance, which should not be a substitute for professional health or medical advice.